2) I'm taking classes this summer, to finish up my nursing school pre-req's. The one is developmental psychology (easy) and the second is human physiology (incredibly difficult, for me). The psych only goes until July 9th but the horrible science class is of course longer; it runs until August 6th. And it's 3.5 hours, 3 nights a week. It IS interesting stuff though, just hard to comprehend sometimes, and even harder to retain. I'll get through it though, somehow! After this I only have 1 more pre-req (microbiology) to apply for the associate's nursing program, or 3 more pre-req's (microbiology, nutrition, and statistcs!) to go for a BSN (bachelor's in nursing).
3) I have no idea how to pay for it all! I have to fill out a form detailing my "Loss or Reduction of Income" and send to the school, hopefully they'll throw me some money. I had to take out a small private educational loan to pay for my summer classes, not something I really wanted to do.
4) Question: Am I considered an "adult student?" There are the 18-22 year olds in my class who are of traditional age. I'm 24 years old...25 in about 5 weeks (which i'm actually kinda freaking out over. 25 is SO mid 20s!) I've been to college, graduated with a BA, and got a job. And I hated it and now I'm going back to school for a "career change." So I've been there, done that. On the flip side, there are the late 30s and 40 year old's in my class who are decidedly Adult Students. They have families; marriage, kids, mortgages, old jobs that they worked in for over a decade. I'm not that either. I think I just sort of feel like an awkward in between. Or maybe I just don't like not being able to assign myself a label.
5) I'm starting a temporary job on July 2nd, at center for developmentally delayed/special ed/challenged kids. They range from severe to moderate, mostly, and have all different diagnoses. I'm just going to be a teacher's aide, but this wonderful place also has a fulltime nursing staff, so I figured it'd be a good opportunity. At least I'd know if I liked this type of work or not. Unfortunately the job ends August 17th (it's technically considered a "school" but these kids need something all year round, so the regular school year staff gets the summer off (nice!) and they bring us temps in for the summer session), and then I'll once again be unemployed.
6) Eric is still by my side, figuratively, but he's still living 90 miles away! He just spent the past week here though, because he didn't have to work. Which is a whole 'nother issue. Basically he needs a better job, and one that is 0 miles away, QUICK. Western NY isn't exactly a hot bed of job growth either though. Furthermore, being a college drop out doesn't help. He managed a pizzeria for years, he hates it but I'm trying to tell him at least it'd be something steadier than what he has.
7) Oh, biking. We've started. After a LOT of used-bike's-off -craigslist drama, Eric finally fixed one up enough so it works (kinda). My "crotch bone" (aka the pubis) is killing me but riding through the pain is working. Also, I am so out of shape. I've been working out at home and thought I'd be *okay* to start the biking. No. Wrong. I was dead yesterday after our fairly easy bike ride.
8) Weightloss. I've been doing this! I went to the doctor's 2 weeks ago, and had lost 14 pounds since my physical in January, according to their scale. According to my scale at home I've now lost 12. So something around there. More importantly, I also lowered my cholesterol significantly. Let me preface this by saying high cholesterol runs in my family. Also, I'm not morbidly obese. I'm overweight yes, but not a blob. Anyways, mine was VERY high...260 in January. Well in 3 months I managed to bring it down to 178! My doctor pretty much threw a party for me right there in the exam room. I had really been trying, so I was pretty happy with myself too. I've let things slip a little lately but I'm still on the horse. Can't wait to lose a bit more weight!