Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Prodigal Son is giving an update

Well I finished my second semester of nursing school with a B in my main nursing course. I'm pretty happy with that! I can't believe that in about a year from now I will be GRADUATING as an RN. Wow!

Right now I'm on break till January 25th. When I start back I will be doing maternity nursing for the first half of the semester and then psych nursing for the second half. I've heard the 3rd semester is a bit easier than my past semester...I hope so. Either way, I'm looking forward to it.

Right now I'm trying to get a job at a visiting nurse service as a home health aide. Very part time. I have to go tomorrow to "test out" of the HHA test (since I already completed fundamentals of nursing, they count that as being "certified," just have to test out).


(here's our little house)

I have finally done some shopping. Got everyone pretty much done except my one sister. It's been such a tight christmas since I am unemployed and have ZERO income but I've still spent a little. Tomorrow night we're doing cut out cookies with my little brother, I'll have to take some pictures of that fun :)

On a sad note, today we were told by the doctors at the hospital my grandpa is in, that he only has about 3-5 days left to live :( It's not a very happy christmas now because of that. They stopped his dialysis today (and everything else) and he's been moved to hospice care. Please if you can spare some prayers, we'd appreciate it.