Sorry it took me so long to update!
Well. It went well, it did. Very friendly lady. Gorgeous view from the office lol.
However, I dont know if i'd want the job. First of all it IS out of my league. She asked if i had treasury or government no? This position is the 3rd highest you can get, CSO,...after this one is her, and then her boss (the CFO). And thats it. She said what made her call me is because of where i went to college, it impressed her, apparently. And because of all the awards I got.
My thing is, I dont think i want to go in this direction with my career. I really don't think i'd like it, the whole financial portfolios of government agencies thing(from fannie mae to amtrack) its really not my thing. Of course i know a lot of people in my life would think i was nuts. I dont want to sound conceited but i have always been categorized as the highly intelligent one. I dont feel I am but thats what ive always been labeled. I hate labels. So, people think that if youre smart that should equate into making lots and lots of money.
The thing is, i like service jobs. I like being around people. You dont make a lot of money in those jobs but thats what i LOVE. Its hard to tell people that without having them think I'm CRAZY for not wanting to work somewhere where i'll make a crapload of money. But, how many 40 yr olds do you see having midlife crisises cuz they hate their jobs?? I dont want that to be me!! I want a job I love, ya know?So im hoping I just dont get a call back so I dont have to make this decision. It IS a lot of money but i think id be extremely overwhelmed. She even said, its overwhelming, frustrating, and you'll have peopel screaming at you everyday. I'm looking for lesss stress in my life, not MORE.
Oh and Eric got a call from Swhann's (the food company) on thursday but the guy was out of the office till tomorrow. I hope this one pans out, he'd make some decent money and lots of opportunities for growth. So keep your fingers crossed for him!
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