Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Really Doing

I've realized something. I do not like sitting around. I am nearing the end of my winter break from school, and I think I am ready. Of course, I have pre-semester jitters. And I dread how much nursing school is about to consume my life again (although 3rd semester is maternity & psych, so I'm kind of excited!) But today I sat around literally doing nothing. And yesterday I did the same thing. I do not like wasting days of my life.

What does one do to really grasp that joie de vivre then? When one is a) poor b) really poor c) has no children d) is really really poor. While it's true that "money doesn't buy happiness," I've found that it does help. And that people who often quote that are earning a somewhat comfortable middle class salary on a steady basis.  My salary right now is $0 and my savings are rapidly dwindling. There is something to be said about having a steady income and the security that allows in finding some joie. But I know that this situation of mine is only temporary, and I should still be enjoying things. At least trying to, even if the undercurrent is one of insecurity and a touch of fear.

My goal for tomorrow (well today, since it is after midnight) is to find or do 3 things that bring me joy and happiness. And they can't involve the TV or internet or sitting on my couch. This may be hard to do, as I must go pick up some school books tomorrow at my school's bookstore, which just so happens to be guarded by a band of Nazi's. But I will be going to the gym tomorow night which brings me a sense of peace and happiness, and I may be taking my 92 year old grandmother to get her nails done. Also a thing of joy. So I might just make it after all.

And if all else fails, I can just go visit this goofball: (my 7 yr old brother)

Oh and 1/17 just happens to be my half-birthday. Of course it will be a good day!

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