Friday, January 12, 2007

Never ending

Sickness. It's all post nasal drip... its irritating my throat and making me cough and i'm all stuffy. I'm so SICK of being sick!!

I've talked to Matt. i dont know what's up with him. He's definatly acting weird. The other day he had an away message up while he was at work (i think he was online at work) and it said something like "so tired...thanks to someone keeping me up! ;)" well that someone wasnt me. I know it meant up late TALKING to someone online, but that bugs me! Why can't he stay up late talking to me. Grr.

Af arrived yesterday. It is SO heavy. It's the kind that's making me feel like I don't want to do anything. I'm supposed to be going out with friends since I'm going back to school probably on sunday...but i really don't feel like going anywhere. Then that makes me feel like a lazy bum!

1 comment:

Kriss said...

Hope you are feeling better! Also, hope things are better with you and your BF. -kriss